Free Diagnostic

Our specialty is
strategy and quality

Free Diagnostic

Quality in essence

We are an accelerator in the area of Quality and Software Testing, with an integrative and empowering balance that adapts to the pace the company is at, through a strategic approach to quality and software testing.

Some of our pillars

Our commitment is to transform the vision of quality and testing, highlighting their strategic importance and promoting individual growth.

Culture of Excellence

We foster a culture of excellence, where quality is more than a standard, it is a commitment from everyone.

Sustainable Innovation

We promote continuous innovation, harmoniously integrating it with solid quality processes.

Human development

We invest in personal and professional growth, enabling individuals to lead with quality and empathy.

Image of a man with glasses and a beard sitting on the floor working on a laptop.Image of a man with glasses and a beard sitting on the floor working on a laptop.

What our QualityMappers say


QualityMap arose from the dream of spreading quality around the world. We want to break paradigms and change the way people and companies view Quality.

Amanda Lacerda fundadora Quality Map
Amanda Lacerda

CEO & Co-Founder

Amanda Lacerda

With more than 10 years of international experience, the founders come with a disruptive energy to change the experience that companies have with quality and to contribute to the new era of Corporate Quality.

Rodrigo Munis Fundador Quality Map
Rodrigo Munis

CTO & Co-Founder

Rodrigo Munis

We have know-how in different sectors of the national and international market

Join us and discover a new dimension of quality

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